Thursday, November 15, 2012

why i cannot be spider-man

so now having seen both the spider-man films (at least the ones dealing with origin stories), i got to thinking... i could very easily be peter parker. i made this elaborate mental list with all the reasons why i could be him. but then i forgot it. so here is a new list.

the top 10 reasons why i cannot be spider-man

1- i don't wear glasses

2-my photography skills are somewhat lacking

3-i don't have an excessively wealthy best friend

4-i never go on field trips to large scientific corporations

5-heck, i don't even know of any large scientific corporations

6-i mean, i don't even like science!

7-my parents and uncle aren't dead

8-i'm too afraid to ever try to wrestle bonesaw

9-small knives are my weakness

10-nobody in their right mind would ever move a big crane so i could swing on it

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