Friday, November 2, 2012

a monumental day + song of the week: one

first of all...

yep, that's right kids. one year ago today, pick your own apples played their first (and last) show ever.

secondly, i got my driver's license today! hooray. i'm now extremely dangerous to you all. stay off the roads in the state of iowa.

also, i had a butterfly painted on my face on halloween (courtesy of a more personable version of the incredible hulk.)
 very manly, you do not think, eh?

And now... i guess i'm starting a thing on this blog. every week i'll post a song i've been working on. (on off weeks, i'll probably just post some old song that i found on my hard drive.

so without further ado, here is a brand new song

and pretty soon, i'll actually start writing stuff on here, but for now i pray this will suffice.

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