Monday, January 21, 2013

an open letter to


we haven't always gotten along. i thought eleventyseven's "galactic conquest" was a decent album. you gave it one point five stars. i thought family force 5's "iii" album deserved at least four stars. you gave it two point five. you also keep giving tobymac's music good reviews. i just don't understand this at all.

sometimes we have agreed. you gave david crowder*band's "church music" five stars. i agreed with you. you said family force 5 was amazing live. i agreed with you. you said "forever ended yesterday" by these hearts was bad. if you were a physical being i would have hugged you.

we've had our ups and downs over the years, but today my faith in you has been re-established. you posted your "fifteen projects" list like you do every january. i always read the list and i sometimes buy the albums that you guys pick. but this year i have already pre-ordered your number one pick in my heart. the album isn't even done, and there are no pre-orders available, but all the same, i have. thank you.


to the blog reader: go directly to and see why i'm so happy RIGHT NOW.